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Multi-Engine Training through Axiom Aviation

Multi-engine ratings enable pilots to fly a plane with more than one engine and are required for most professional pilot positions. Here at Axiom Aviation, we offer various multi-engine training options including initial certification for Commercial (CAX), Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), add-on Commercial Multi-Engine ratings, and Multi-Engine Instructor ratings. 

These ratings will not only qualify a pilot to fly a larger variety of aircraft, but they will also enhance their capabilities as a pilot as multi-engine training gives pilots a better understanding of aerodynamics, systems, and resource management. 

Axiom’s Multi-Engine Courses

Commercial Multi-Engine Add-On (CAXME)

Students who already possess a Commercial Pilot Certificate for a Single Engine Land Airplane qualify for enrollment in our accelerated Commercial Multi-Engine add-on course. This course lasts for approximately 1 week. During this week the students can expect to fly between 5 and 8 times or until they are proficient in the aircraft. The training course ends with the student taking their multi-engine add-on checkride which is similar to the commercial pilot checkride they already took. Still, it has a few additional maneuvers specific to multi-engine airplanes which must be completed. 

Multi-Engine Instructor Add-On (MEI)

Most flight instructors first obtain their instructor ratings in a single-engine airplane which limits them to instructing in a single-engine airplane. If they want to instruct in a multi-engine airplane they must obtain their MEI certificate. The MEI course takes about 1 week and the number of flights varies depending on the number of hours the student already has. To take the MEI add-on checkride a pilot must have a CAXME rating and 15 hours of pilot-in-command (PIC) time. This means they need 15 hours in a multi-engine airplane after their CAXME checkride.

Note: The time spent on the CAXME checkride counts towards the 15 hours. 

Private Pilot Multi-Engine Add-On (PPLME)

Pilots wishing to pursue a career in aviation will typically obtain their first several ratings in a single-engine airplane before doing multi-engine training. However, individuals wishing to fly solely for recreational purposes will normally obtain their Private Pilot License (PPL) in a single-engine airplane. If a PPL holder wishes to fly a multi-engine airplane without obtaining their commercial license they must obtain their PPLME add-on. Through Axiom’s accelerated course this add-on rating takes an average of 1 week similar to the CAXME course. 

Multi-Engine Trainer

As of the time of this writing, Axiom Aviation utilizes a Piper Twin-Comanche for multi-engine flight training. 

Have questions regarding multi-engine training? Give us a call at 262-297-4567. Or email us at  

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